Now it's time for word hard. During the holiday for this semester we have a lots of wedding ceremony. So, all my friend and my bisness partner had a meeting and decide to work hard and having a new experience with wedding. Thanks for AMER, NABIL for giving support in this industries.

For any information about our group (IJAT, AMER, NABIL) :

pepijat87@yahoo.com / 016-3337565


Please contact us for further detail n for booking.....


Haha.....Skang nih aku da smpai di bumi utara tanah air....haha...Perlis @ kedah la lebih kurang..(adik beradik) Erm....Tak banyak yang aku nak kata cuma, balik cni pon aku macam lagi sebok lagi adalah....Lgpon ok jer....aku tetap jumpa jgak kengkawan aku yang tengah cuti skng nih.. Bill, Amer, Mumad, Syed n suma2 lah....Ni ak nak tnjukkan skit job aku kat Simpang Empat Perlis..haha...Enjoy.....


For You -Amor Rizan

Naik Hantu Part 1

'Naik Hantu' AMORE RIZAN
Photo IJAT (MANIS Photography)
Location ASWARA

It's a Hard Time

Huh.....sedar tak sedar, first year degree aku pon da nak abes...so sekarang seriously is a shit time because i've a lots of work preparation for Theatre Mek Mulung on this Saturday n Sunday. this week is very tough n lethargic. to all my friend who can come to our theatre, you just can come through to the ASWARA Experimental Theatre on this Saturday. Tomorrow we have one more rehearsel and get ready for our preview will be live on Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) on this Friday and tomorrow night also we have preview for RTM. So please come with us to enjoy this performance...

Forum Sejarah Filem Melayu - 17 April 2009

It's Time To Decide

Now, i was finish all my paper for this semester.. Well, it's very tough for me even i read a lot and make a revision. Now, it's time for Mek Mulung on 23-24 May 2009. Wow,,i hope it's really success. May and June is very hard time period because i've a lots of works to do. no wonder la if 'mata bengkak2 n tak terurus'. end of this semester i've to make a decision for my majoring next semester. Cinematography or Directing.....Which one? and also for my 'elektif'....huh.....i hope this semester i can beat all my friends out there...haha....
So..see u next time....


Thinking For My Majoring

Iera & Nuar

Makyong & Fendi


Jaja, Mumad, Ubek, Mirja, Kumpar

End Of This Season Year 1

Adi Vintage..Udah besar ye kamo...

Special Present From Hyrulanuar....

Just Ignore What People Said, Take It as a Lessons

Cool Vintage

Editting testing
Somewhere In Kepong : FRIM

Struggle For Exam Week

Little Miss Helpful
Kuala Lumpur From ASWARA

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